From the Heart Breaks the Stigma | Trauma

Welcome to the 3rd week of the #fthbts16 series! I'm so pleased to have you along this journey with me! If you missed last week's post on hospitalization, you can catch it here! If you're a Tribe Member or a regular subscriber, thank you for sticking with me throughout this campaign! 

Trauma is such an intricate thing to understand, because everyone experiences trauma differently. Trauma invokes both a physical + emotional response. 

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Stepparents, Grandparents + Aunts -- Oh My! | Letter to the Village Members

VILLAGE MEMBER | a caregiver; a guardian; someone who willingly takes on the role of a teacher to a younger generation; a family member; a neighbor; a coach; a protector; someone who positively influences the younger generation for their benefit

The role of a Village Member can be a thankless role. There are many times we feel drained or like we made a mistake taking on such a heavy role. Nothing seems to be working, because you see progress in one area + it appears several other areas come crashing down beside you. You knew when you made up in your mind to take this role that it would be difficult, but maybe you didn't anticipate just how much of a sacrifice it would be. 

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I'm Losing My Mind -- School's Out!

CONGRATS!!! You survived the entire school year! Now what the heck should you do? It's always so difficult to figure out what to do with your children. You put them in this summer camp that sounds awesome, but after a few weeks go by...they hate it! Or they want to go to this super-amazing-life-changing-I'll-die-if-I-don't-go camp, but it's waaaaaaaaay TOO EXPENSIVE!!! What do you do? Where is the middle ground? Today I'm hoping to give you strategies you can actually use this summer so you don't lose your mind...errr I mean so you can enjoy your summer to the fullest extent! There is a simple worksheet to help you generate personalized activities for your child(ren)! Click the picture below to download the worksheet + use it once you've read through the post! Here we go....

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